I've got amazing news, girls - my dad's finally given me the green light to take driving lessons! Can you believe it? I wasn't sure if he'd say yes. I think having me behind the wheel will turn his hair grey faster! I'm really excited about this – in case you can't tell.
As much as I'm excited, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous too. Singapore's traffic culture can be a little overwhelming. We have a lot of impatient drivers. They might yell and give you the finger if they think you're going too slow. And what about that outdated sexist stereotype that “women are the world’s worst drivers”? So not true.
This is a significant moment for me because it's not just about driving. It’s also about being independent and earning my dad's trust. Getting my driver's license means a lot more freedom. I won't have to rely on my dad to drive me around anymore – although maybe I'll have to borrow his car… And road trips will also be a possibility now!
Learning to drive is a useful skill to have. But to be honest, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to afford my own car. Then again, I’ve gotten by all these years without one, so I’m in no rush. Our public transport is pretty awesome!
In any case, when I get my license, I know I'm not just going to be a good “woman driver”, I’m going to be a good driver, period. I won't hog the lane, but I won't want to be a speed demon either. Fast and Furious makes it look cool – but did you know, they also destroyed 230 cars in one movie? Er, don’t try this at home!
Wish me luck for my driving lessons, girls!
Until next time,
XOXO Fru Fru Shru